Why not join in one of our brilliant fundraising events? Find out what's coming up next here!
For just £1 a week, you can be in with the chance of winning £25,000 through Unity Lottery! In recent years, lottery players have helped raise money for three new clinic rooms and a new CT scanner.
Organising your own cancer fundraiser event in aid of Lingen Davies is a brilliant way to contribute to funding our projects. Events could include anything from arranging a bake sale and coffee morning, raffle draw, charity ball, themed evening, tractor run, 24hr ‘athon’ of your favourite hobby, music event, or a sponsored walk.
Thousands of people will lace up their trainers to complete the epic course and raise millions of pounds for charity. And if you’ve ever wanted to be part of it yourself – now you can!
If you’re interested in fundraising for Lingen Davies, you can find out more and sign up to the London Marathon by heading to the link in our Events section.
Our exciting cancer fundraising events programme has something for everyone – from physical challenges, celebration events, or a peaceful walk through the snowdrops at one of our open gardens!