1D946CB1-0B49-4342-BA1F-0805597D1E86 Why not join in one of our brilliant fundraising events? Find out what's coming up next here! 1D946CB1-0B49-4342-BA1F-0805597D1E86


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need a solicitor to leave a legacy?

    We recommend that you work with a reputable solicitor or legal professional to ensure your Will is watertight, and your final wishes are carried out correctly.

  • Who can I speak to about leaving a legacy?

    Please call the office on 01743 492396 and speak to our Head of Fundraising Helen Knight who will be happy to talk to you about your options.

  • Why is legacy giving important to Lingen Davies?

    Knowing that we have money pledged for the future enables us to plan our work supporting the community. It makes a tremendous difference to the scope and breadth of projects we can fund.

    Since 2017 we have been given almost £1million from legacy giving.

  • How will my money be used?

    We take our responsibilities very seriously, ensuring every penny of your gift will be used wisely and according to your wishes. As well as enhancing and supporting care and services for patients in the Lingen Davies Cancer Centre, we run several community-based projects to support people living beyond cancer, as well as raising awareness about the signs and symptoms of cancer. Our LiveLife Cancer Awareness Service is a vital part of our work accessing the wider community, working with volunteers to act as cancer champions, and ultimately encourage more and more people to take up cancer screening invitations, thereby helping to prevent some of the cancer cases throughout our community.

    We are governed by a 13 strong trustee board, who ensure that all our money is spent wisely, and in line with our charitable purpose.

  • How do I begin leaving money in Will?

    If you would like to leave money to charity in your Will we advise you to seek advice from a solicitor, both before writing or amending your existing Will. This ensures all legal formalities are carried out correctly and that the Will is legal and witnessed.

  • How can I find out more about your news and events?

    We have a busy events schedule – Lingen Davies organised ones, and also those our supporters arrange. You can find out more about them here.

    You can also check out the news section of our website, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LInkedIn and Twitter to stay up to date, and sign up for our regular newsletters (NEWSLETTER FORM NEEDED TO LINK).

  • I run a small business and I'm keen to find out more about supporting the work of Lingen Davies, who can I talk to?

    Our Head of Fundraising Helen Knight would be more than happy to talk to you and let you know more about the valuable work we do, and how you can support it. Contact Helen on 01743 492396, or drop her an email at [email protected]

  • I would like to find out more about volunteering for Lingen Davies, what should I do?

    We have a thriving volunteer programme and always welcome new people who have time to give. Whether you want to do a few hours in the office helping with administration, represent the charity at cheque presentation evenings, or you want to be an extra pair of hands at one of our events we would love to hear from you. Either contact the Fundraising Office on 01743 492396 or read more about our volunteers here

  • How can I donate to Lingen Davies Cancer Fund?

    You can click on the donate link at the top of this page and follow the instructions, or you can do a BACs transfer using the details below, or you can call the Fundraising Office on 01743492396 and donate over the phone.

    If you have cash from an event please bring it into the Fundraising Office or you can put a cheque in the post – please never send cash in the mail. Thanks!

  • Can I say how I want my money spending?

    Your wishes are very important to us and we will, whenever possible, respect your wishes on how your gift is spent.

  • What if I change my mind?

    It’s OK to change your mind, we appreciate that personal circumstances change and that you may wish to change your mind about a legacy request.

  • Will people find out about my Will?

    Your Will is very personal and your privacy will always be respected; we will never ask you for details. If you choose to share these with us, they will of course be treated with the utmost privacy and confidence. We will never publicise details about your legacy unless specifically asked to do so.

  • What about my family, what will they do?

    It is only right for you to think of your family and loved ones first and ensure their comfort and security. If you do choose to leave a gift to Lingen Davies Cancer Fund in your Will we encourage you to talk to your family about your wishes and how you would like your money to be spent. It may well be that in the future your family actively seek to get involved with the charity to find out more about where your money is being spent. We can support you throughout the whole process.

You Can Donate

Technology has made it easier than ever to donate as a regular giver, major donor, or one-off donor. Whether you choose to make your donation online at the click of a button, arrange it over the phone, or have cash to bring into the fundraising office, we will be most grateful!
