1D946CB1-0B49-4342-BA1F-0805597D1E86 Why not join in one of our brilliant fundraising events? Find out what's coming up next here! 1D946CB1-0B49-4342-BA1F-0805597D1E86

Organise Your Own Fundraiser

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Get Fundraising

Organising your own fundraising event, in aid of Lingen Davies, is a wonderful way to support the charity and contribute to funding our work. Activities could include a bake sale, charity ball, themed evening, tractor run, 24hr ‘athon’ of your favourite hobby, music event… the list is endless!

Organise a Fundraiser | Lingen Davies

Fundraising is at the heart of what we do, and we could not do it without you.

Things to Remember

  • Choose a date – remember to give yourself enough time to organise your cancer fundraiser event. Find out when other big events are going on in the area, so you don’t clash.
  • Choose a venue – make sure it has all the facilities you require and ask if you need a licence for your type of fundraiser.
  • Make sure you’re aware of what costs you will incur and when. You need to plan how to cover your costs (e.g. how many tickets need to be sold.). It’s fine to ask people to donate goods and services to a charity fundraiser event… everyone likes to help!
  • Make sure you have all the help and support you need to run the event – check everyone is free on the chosen date.

We are here to support you and help make your fundraiser a success.

Chat to Us About Your Fundraising Ideas

Our friendly fundraising team are happy to discuss your ideas and support you however we can – we can provide posters, tickets and flyers, as well as promote your event on our website and social media channels.

You can also download our Guide to Fundraising to help you with planning your event and sticking to some fundraising regulations. There are other fundraiser stories in there too, to help you feel inspired!

Tell us about your fundraising ideas by filling in the form below, or contact the Fundraising Office to discuss your plans.

Fundraising Staff | Lingen Davies

Provide Your Details

DD slash MM slash YYYY

After The Event

Thank everyone who helped with your cancer fundraiser event, attended, or donated. People like to know how much you’ve raised so you could do a social media post or organise a cheque presentation with the Lingen Davies fundraising team.


We love talking to our supporters to see how we can help you make the most of your fundraising.

Sending in your money

Make a direct bank transfer

You can make a direct bank transfer using these details:

Account Name: Lingen Davies Cancer Fund CIO
Sort Code: 09 02 22
Account Number: 10514429
Reference: (please put your name)

Please could you let us know via email, [email protected], that you have made a payment so we can acknowledge it.

Donate by cheque

You can donate by sending a cheque (made payable to Lingen Davies Cancer Fund) to:

Lingen Davies Cancer Fund
Fundraising Office
Hamar Centre
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
Mytton Oak Road

Cash donations