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Carer Support & Information

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Welcome to the Cancer Carer Support Directory

Am I a carer?

You might not think of yourself in this way but according to the Carers Trust:

“A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem, or an addiction cannot cope without their support.”

Carer Support | Lingen Davies

Are You Supporting Someone with Cancer?

If you are looking after someone with cancer on a regular basis; helping them to attend their appointments, to understand the information given to them by their doctors, to ensure they are looking after themselves at home, or providing emotional support; then you are a carer. You yourself are entitled to help and support!


Local Support for You

There are also some online resources which you may find useful.

If you live in Mid Wales:

Credu provide support and information in both English and Welsh, as well as providing opportunities to meet with other carers locally.

Visit Credu
If you live in Shropshire:

Shropshire Choices, run by Shropshire Council, provide a directory of services and advice including financial information for carers.

Visit Shropshire Choices
If you live in Telford and Wrekin:

Telford Carers, part of Telford CVS has a useful website and runs a number of support groups for carers in the local area.

Visit Telford Carers

Can't See a Support Service?

We are still building our Cancer Carer Support Directory and links to online support- if you know about a support service for carers that isn’t listed, please let us know by emailing [email protected]. Please call or email ahead to check times, dates and locations of support group meetings before you leave home. Many of the groups we link to are run by volunteers, and plans may change depending on their availability.

National Resources

The following websites give information about a range of issues affecting carers, including social and financial support:

Find a Support Group

Many people find it useful to speak to others who are going through the same things as them. There are a range of support groups in our area, some focusing on specific cancers and other more generally.
