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#Lent4Lingen – What will you give up for Lent?

Lent can be a tough 40 days; giving up something you love…craving your favourite carbohydrate…resisting the Easter chocolate… but would giving something to charity help you stick to your sacrifice? The answer… #Lent4Lingen

What do you normally give up for Lent? Bread? Chocolate? Smoking?

Well this year, we want you to donate the money you’d spend on your sacrifice to Lingen Davies, to help us raise money for our current appeal and make a positive difference to lives affected by cancer.

We’ve come up with a few things you might be giving up on February 14th and the equivalent savings you could donate to Lingen Davies:

  • Daily newspaper – £16Image result for give up
  • Chocolate – £25
  • Petrol (could you walk, run or cycle to work? 5km each way) – £40
  • Friday night Pints/Glasses of Wine – £50
  • Daily Greggs’ pastie – £75
  • Morning Coffee (Starbucks) – £98
  • Smoke-free (10 per day) – £160

Or perhaps you’re giving up something that’s not on the list? That’s fine too! We love a bit of creativity! Tell us about it and get involved with #Lent4Lingen.

You could even get sponsored to give up your guilty pleasure…download a sponsorship form here.

How about taking #Lent4Lingen into the office? Challenge your company or organisation to give up something for lent… bring out the competitive side in your colleagues; who has the most will power?

And your efforts won’t go unrecognised – we’ll send you a certificate with the amount you raised from your sacrifice.

So when is lent and how can I donate?

Lent 2018 runs from 14th February until 31st March – it’s not as long as it seems!

To donate, head to our online shop where you can purchase the equivalent amount that you’d spend on your sacrifice or if you’re giving up something that’s not there, get in touch with the fundraising office to find out how to donate.

Sponsorship forms can be submitted to the office; give us a call to find out how.

Let us know if you’re taking part; don’t forget to get photo evidence! Everyone loves a selfie!

Good Luck!

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