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Complaints Policy

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Lingen Davies Cancer Fund Complaints Policy

Concerns and complaints should initially be referred to the Executive Officer, who will endeavour to resolve the issue where possible. Minor concerns should be resolved within the staff team where possible. More serious concerns and formal complaints should be discussed with the Chair of Trustees and managed in line with the Complaints Procedure.

Where the complaint relates to a member of staff, it should be dealt with jointly by the Charity and SaTH in accordance with relevant SaTH procedures.

Complaints Procedure

The following information is for people who wish to make a complaint about the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, its representatives, or anyone who is connected with the charity’s fundraising activities.

We welcome comments and feedback, and encourage donors and supporters to raise any issues or concerns.

Concerns shall initially be raised with the Executive Officer in person or by letter, at the Fundraising Office, Hamar Centre, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, or by telephone on 01743 492396 or via e-mail at [email protected].

The Executive Officer shall take appropriate steps to resolve the issue, consulting the Chair of Trustees and reporting to the Trustees where necessary.

The Executive Officer will respond to the complainant as appropriate within 10 working days.

If a person is not satisfied with the response from the Executive Officer, a formal letter of complaint may be written (marked ‘private & confidential’) to:

The Chair of Trustees, Lingen Davies Fundraising Office, Hamar Centre, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 8XQ

The formal complaint letter should include the following:

  • Name, Address and Telephone number of complainant
  • Date and details of complaint
  • Full names of any persons involved
  • Indication of outcome hoped for

The Chair of Trustees shall respond within 10 working days, from the receipt of the formal complaint, indicating timescales and process. Where appropriate, they will work with the Executive Officer in preparing their response.

If the Executive Officer is the subject of the complaint, or it is felt there is a conflict of interest in them being involved, the Chair of Trustees may work with other members of the trustee board and/or SaTH representatives, where the complaint requires management through SaTH HR processes. The Chair of Trustees will ensure the complaint is investigated fully and efficiently.

While it may not be practical for a complaint to be discussed at a trustees meeting, the Chair of Trustees may wish to discuss the response with the trustee board prior to communicating with the complainant and this may be undertaken by e-mail. All complaints must be dealt with in confidence.

The Trustees decision shall be final, and actions taken as they deem necessary.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the response received from the Chair of Trustees they are free to contact the Charity Commission or other appropriate body.