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Proceeds from Business Awards presented…

A total of over £5,500 was raised at the Shropshire Chamber Business Awards night, held recently at Telford International Centre, which was this week presented Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and Severn Hospice.

We met with Chamber Chief Executive Richard Sheehan, who handed over cheques for £2,526 to each charity at the chamber’s offices on Stafford Park in Telford.

Executive Officer of the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, Naomi Atkin, said: “We make a positive difference to helping those affected by cancer throughout Shropshire and Mid Wales and this very generous donation comes perfectly in the middle of our two year £1.25 million fundraising appeal marking our 40th anniversary next year.”

Lucy Ruff of Severn Hospice, added: “We are very grateful to the continued support of Shropshire Chamber and of course to everybody who gave so generously on the awards night.”

Richard Sheehan commented: “For 700 guests to raise over £5,000 in a little over five hours at the awards evening is simply amazing and true testament to the generosity of the Shropshire business community.

“The evening was hailed a great success with highly positive feedback and we have already had many inquiries about next year’s event, so our thanks go out once again to the simply brilliant people of Shropshire who help us raise so much money for these two vital county charities.”

We are extremely grateful for the generosity of our local business community. If you would like to find out more about how your business could support us please click here. We are specifically looking for businesses to support two major events running in 2019. Please click here for sponsorship opportunities.

Pictured:  Richard Sheehan with Lucy Ruff and Naomi Atkin.

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