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A free holistic activity therapy course aimed at people living with cancer and beyond has been launched – in partnership with the area’s main cancer charity.
The ICan programme has been designed to help cancer patients build on their physical activity and fitness, as well as learn more about managing fatigue, nutrition, and mental health. It is run by the team from Lifestyle Fitness & Physiotherapy, a 34year-old Shrewsbury-based health and wellbeing company.
The highly qualified and experienced team at Lifestyle Fitness previously ran the Get Active Feel Good programme and have now partnered with Lingen Davies Cancer Fund to run a service specifically targeted at cancer patients. ICan not only helps people regain fitness during and after undergoing treatment, but also supports them with healthy lifestyle behaviour, their mental and emotional health, learn how to manage fatigue, and also encourages good nutrition.
The programme involves ten different sessions focussing on various aspects of life during and after cancer. It is run over a five-week period, is currently at the University Centre in Shrewsbury and people can choose to attend in person or join the training virtually (or a mix of both).
Gareth Mapp, Director of Lifestyle Fitness, said the philosophy behind ICan is to enable lifestyle changes and encourage people to maintain those changes for overall health benefits.
“ICan is about helping to support people both during and after their cancer treatment. It takes a holistic approach to health and lifestyle, and encourages not just physical activity, but positive mental wellbeing, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles.
“We give people cancer specific advice. Our ethos is very much about mindfulness, it runs through every session. ICan is set up so that people can contact the Team and each other whenever they need to. Individualised support, information and programmes are also available for everyone to access, throughout ICan,” he added.
Anna Williams said the charity was proud to be working alongside the Lifestyle Fitness team and funding the ICan project which will benefit patients throughout the region.
Sessions are currently held twice a week at the University Centre in Shrewsbury, or they can be attended virtually from home. For more information on the courses and what is involved contact Kim Bebbington at Lifestyle Fitness on [email protected]