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Farewell Liz!

After 4 years our Fundraising Officer, Liz, has left Lingen Davies for pastures new.  Liz has been a great asset to the team and has made a huge contribution to the early completion of our LINAC appeal, which will improve radiotherapy services in Shropshire and Mid Wales.

She has been a valued member of the team and a great friend to staff and volunteers alike and we were delighted to give her a great send off at the launch of our Ruby Appeal and 38th birthday celebration.

She will be using her expert fundraising skills to support a charity closer to her home in Cheshire and we wish her all the best.

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News 13th September 2024

Two ladies, five days, and more than 125kilometres covered...

Two intrepid athletes have taken on a five-day challenge for us – raising almost £5,000! Elaine Currie and Julie Turner took on the challenge after being inspired by fellow fundraisers at last year’s Lingen Davies celebration evening. They decided to do something a bit different and so chose to do five triathlons across five consecutive […]